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formal source中文是什么意思

用"formal source"造句"formal source"怎么读"formal source" in a sentence


  • 正式渊源


  • Secondly , the writer determined the active obligation in formal source
  • Formal source of law
  • Historically , there never was a formal source code management or revision control system for the linux kernel
  • Part ii , the source of the active obligation first of all , this section introduces the source of essence doctrine and formal doctrine in the sino - foreign criminal law theon " about the active obligation . based on the shape analyses of these formal and essence source , the source of the active obligation that the writer thinks ought to be the union of the formal and essence source , that is , on the one hand through probing into the norm kev element by form , the author thinks that the formal key element of the formal source is the following four sources : the statue source code is regulated demand in duties either the professional work the action before and the legal action . on the other hand , through the essence , the author probes the reasons of source and thinks that the essence key element is the doer " s exclusively controlling the legal right and interest confronted with pressing peril and depended on his action
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